The period to claim CME Credits for this enduring educational activity closed on October 15, 2021. Please contact the APC office at [email protected] with any questions related to your CME claims for the APC 2020 Online Learning Program.
B11.C.01: The Big Picture: Why Funds Flow Models? (60 min) | Janis Orlowski, MD, Chief Health Care Officer, American Association of Medical Colleges
B11.C.02: APC Funds Flow Survey Results (30 min) | Debra Leonard, MD, PhD, University of Vermont and Chair, APC Advocacy Committee, and Chen Liu, MD, PhD, Yale University and Chair, APC Practice & Management Committee
B12.C.01: Immunotherapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (45 min) | Chen Liu, MD, PhD, Yale University
B12.C.02: Therapeutic Applications of the Microbiota (30 min) | Lynn Bry, MD, PhD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
B12.C.03: Single-Cell Genomics in Checkpoint Blockade and CAR-T Cell Immunotherapy (30 min) | MD, PhD, Stanford University
B14.C.01: What Pathologists Can Do to Improve Clinical Diagnosis – A Non-Pathologist’s Perspective (45 min) | David Newman-Toker, MD, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
B14.C.02: Clinical Pathology Education to Medical Students (15 min) | Jeannette Guarner, MD, Emory University
B14.C.03: Creating Shared Resources & Integrating Technology Tools in Medical Education: Hematology Outlines (30 min) | Hooman Rashidi, MD, University of California, Davis
B15A.01: Epic at the EpiCenter (30 min) | Joann Li, Columbia University
B15A.02: Centralizing & Consolidating Laboratory Services (60 min) | Kelley Suskie, University of Rochester Medical Center
B15C.01: Future Uncertainty: How Does GME Prepare? (45 min) | John Combes, MD, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
B15C.02: Training the Next Generation of Pathologists: The Montefiore Experience (15 min) | Tiffany Hebert, MD, Montefiore Medical Center
B15C.03: The GOL²D Project (Goals of Life and Learning Delineated): Collaboration Across Academic Health Systems to Better Align GME with Learner, Patient and Societal Needs (15 min) | Robert Hoffman, MD, Vanderbilt University
B15C.04: Promotion in Place: Enhancing Trainee Well-Being and Patient Care Through Time-Variable Graduate Medical Education (15 min) | W. Stephen Black-Schaffer, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital
B16C.01: Leadership and Diversity in Academic Medicine, Patricia Thomas Lecture (60 min) | Vivian Pinn, MD, National Institutes of Health, Fogarty International Center
D13P.01: Biopsy: Examining Unconscious Bias, C. Bruce Alexander Lecture (60 min) | Arie Nettles, PhD, Vanderbilt University
D14U.01: Guiding the Use of Inclusive Language in the Delivery of Teaching Content and Assessment (30 min) | Robin LeGallo, MD, University of Virginia, and Rebecca Wilcox, MD, University of Vermont
B16A.01: Our Journey to Digital Pathology for Primary Diagnosis: The UCSF Experience (45 min) | Zoltan Laszik, MD, PhD, University of California, San Francisco
B16A.02: Traveling the Digital Pathology Journey at Northwell Health (60 min) | Shanker Deonandan, MBA, Northwell Health
C11A.01: The Ohio State University Compensation Plan (30 min) | Leslie Stump, MBA, The Ohio State University
C11A.02: Clinical vs. Research Comp Plans (30 min) | Beth Hansell, Medical University of South Carolina
C15P.01: Preparing for the ACGME 10-Year Site Visit (60 min) | Demaretta Rush, MD, University of Arizona
C15P.02: Milestone Assessments at Massachusetts General Hospital (45 min) | W. Stephen Black-Schaffer, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital
D10P.01: ACGME Overview and Program Requirements (60 min) | Kate Hatlak, ACGME
D10P.02: American Board of Pathology (ABPath) Overview and Updates (30 min) | Rebecca Johnson, MD, ABPath
D10P.03: ASCP Resident In-Service Exam (RISE) (15 min) | Jonathan Genzen, MD, PhD, ASCP RISE and University of Utah
D11P.01: Pipeline Development Survey Results for Best Practices (60 min) | Cindy McCloskey, MD, University of Oklahoma/CAP Study
D11P.02: The Pathologist Pipeline: What Has Worked, What Hasn’t, and What’s New (30 min) | Donald Karcher, MD, George Washington University
D15P.01: Teaming: Program and Institutional GME Leadership (DIO Perspective) (45 min) | Lawrence Opas, MD, University of Southern California
D15P.03: Association of Progressive Responsibility and Independence in Residency with Preparedness for Entry into Practice (30 min) | W. Stephen Black-Schaffer, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital
D15P.04: Training Residents in Genomics (TRIG) (15 min) | Richard Haspel, MD, PhD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
D15P.06: Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) (30 min) | Cindy McCloskey, MD, University of Oklahoma
D15P.07: Pathology Informatics Essentials for Residents (PIER) (30 min) | Scott Anderson, MD, University of Vermont
D15P.08: Updates from the CAP Resident Forum (15 min) | Adam Booth, MD, University of Texas Medical Branch
D15P.09: Resident Updates from ASCP (15 min) | Michelle Hogan, MD, Vanderbilt University
D15P.10: Activities of the AAMC Organization of Resident Representatives (15 min) | Katherine Scribner, DO, University of Southern California
D15P.11: Pathologist-in-Training Updates from USCAP (15 min) | Aadil Ahmed, MD, Yale University
C11U.01: Highlights, FAQs, and Resources for the USMLE (15 min) | Miguel Paniagua, MD, National Board of Medical Examiners
C16U.01: Writing and Grading Essay Exam Questions: UCSF Approach (60 min) | Rageshree Ramachandran, MD, PhD, and Marta Margeta, MD, PhD, University of California, San Francisco
D10U.01: Curricular Mapping to Institution/USMLE/PCME (30 min) | Robin LeGallo, MD, University of Virginia
D10U.02: Educational Scholarship and Research (45 min) | Barbara Knollmann-Ritschel, MD, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
D10U.03: Professionalism and Communication Skills in UME Pathology (60 min) | Kristin Olson, MD, University of California, Davis, and Melina Flanagan, MD, West Virginia University
D15U.01: Pros/Cons of e-learning platform: AMBOSS (15 min) | Joyce Ou, MD, PhD, Alpert Medical School of Brown University
D15U.02: What's Cracking with Firecracker? (15 min) | Ellen Dudry, MD, Texas Tech University Health Science Center
D15U.03: eLearning Platforms: Osmosis (15 min) | Amy Lin, MD, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago
D15U.04: Pathoma (15 min)| Valerie Fitzhugh,MD, Rutgers University
D15U.05: Robbins Essential Pathology: A New Kind of Textbook for a New Kind of Learner (15 min) | Andrea Deyrup, MD, PhD, Duke University
D15U.06: ScholarRx: Rx Bricks (15 min) | Melina Flanagan, MD, West Virginia University
D15U.07: Whitekoat: A Multimedia Platform for Teaching and Quizzing (15 min) | Elham Vali-Betts, MD, University of California, Davis
P.02: Social Media Transforming Pathology Pedagogy: #TwitterHomework during #PathElective (5 min) | Kamran Mirza, MD PhD, Loyola University
P.03: Medical Director Boot Camp: A Practical Approach to Medical Directorship Training for Residents (5 min) |Sherri Flax, MD, University of Florida
P.04: Consultative Interpretation for Lupus Anticoagulant by Expert Pathologists Reduces False-Positive Rates in the Era of Direct Oral Anticoagulants (5 min) | Oksana Volod, MD, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
P.05: A Pilot Communication Skills Simulation Curriculum for Pathology Residents (5 min) |Alexis Peedin, MD, Thomas Jefferson University
P.06: Face-to-Face Feedback: A Survey of Resident Attitude and Perception (5 min) |David Daniel, MD, SUNY Downstate Medical Center
P.07: Competency by Design (CBD) implementation in the Division of Anatomical Pathology Program at The Ottawa Hospital (5 min) | Osama Khan, MD, The Ottawa Hospital
P.08: Development of a Resident Chosen Curriculum in Laboratory Management and Informatics for Pathology Residents at the University Health-San Antonio (5 min) | Rahaf Alkhateb, MD, University of Texas, San Antonio
P.09: A Department-Sponsored, Hospital-Based Pathology Education Symposium is a Cost-Effective Method to Provide Laboratory Staff with Highly Rated Continuing Education Experiences (5 min) | Eric Gehrie, MD, Johns Hopkins University
P.10: Assessing impostor syndrome in an academic pathology program (5 min) | Naomi Hardy, MD, University of Maryland Medical Center
P.11: Elective certificate tracks in pathology residency training meet the needs of an evolving field (5 min) |Laura Wake, MD, Johns Hopkins University
P.12: Development of a Pathology Resident Wellness Initiative in a Large Academic Pathology Residency Training Program (5 min) |Alisha Ware, MD, Johns Hopkins University
P.13: The MGH Passport: A Management Platform for the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Milestones Program (5 min) | W Stephen Black-Schaffer, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital
P.14: Implementation of Clinical Pharmacogenomic Testing and Point-of-care Genomic Decision Support via Multi-specialty Collaboration (5 min) | Rebecca Pulk, PharmD, MS, Yale New Haven Health
P.15: Use of a Co-Enrollment Course to Improve Pathology Exposure in UME (5 min) | Brandi McCleskey, MD, University of Alabama at Birmingham
P.17: Regional Interviews for Residency Program Recruitment: Is it time?(5 min) | Linda Schiffhauer, MD, University of Rochester
The Society of ’67 was established to support programs aligned with AAPath's mission and vision. Those who wish to support AAPath's mission and vision can donate to the Society of ’67.