Program Directors' Toolbox

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AAPath and CAP recently launched this Program Directors' Toolbox to provide residency and fellowship training program directors and faculty with on-demand access to educational content, program administration tools and other resources to share knowledge and innovative practices across institutions. We encourage Program Directors to utilize this resource, submit content, and provide feedback so that we can continue to improve this resource!

Content Submission Instructions

College of American Pathologists

Fellowship Search Tools

Graduated Responsibility

Education Funds

Travel Funds

Conference Attendance

Conference Participation

Conference Structure

Creating and Reviewing Goals and Objectives

  • Addressing Milestones
  • Addressing EPAs

Administering Program Rotations

Case Log Reporting and Verification

Quality Improvement Projects

Elective Rotations

  • On-site Electives
  • Off-site Electives: Domestic
  • Off-site Electives: Global Health

Surgical Pathology

Research Funds

Evaluations From Fellows

360° Evaluations of Fellows

Evaluations of Fellows from New Employers

The ASCP In-Service Examinations

Introducing Residents to Interacting with the ABPath

  • Interacting with the ABPath
  • Entering Residents with PATHways Honor Code
  • Periodic Evaluations
  • Advising About Eligibility
  • Advising About Abandoning One Primary Certificate
  • Resident and Fellow Applications to the American Board of Pathology
  • Reviewing and Approving Board Applications
  • Advising about Maintenance of Certification

Publicizing a Program to Prospective Applicants

Creating Program Tracks for ERAS and the NRMP

Using ERAS (Electronic Residency Application Service)

The NRMP Couples Match

Managing Applications Outside of ERAS

Holistic Review in a Large Residency Program

Selecting Candidates for Interview

Inviting Candidates for Interview

Interview Day

Evaluating Interviewees

Communicating with Interviewees

Making a Rank Order List

Entering Rank Order Lists in NRMP

  • Tracks
  • Match Quotas
  • Reversions

Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program

Unexpected Events with NRMP


Professional Development

  • Advising, Mentoring, and Placement
  • Disciplinary Actions
  • Promotion Criteria
  • Promoting a Culture of Professionalism
  • Tracking Careers of Former Residents and Fellows

Resident and Fellow Wellness

Introduction of New Residents and Fellows

Graduation Celebration

Other Social Events

Opening a New Program

Restoring a Program After a Voluntary Withdrawal

Voluntary Withdrawal of a Program

Required Closure of a Program

For technical support contact the AAPath office at or 302-660-4942.
For content-related questions contact Kristen Johnson, PhD, at [email protected].
This Toolbox is under development by the CAP Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) in partnership with PRODS Council.