Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Forum

The Residency Program Directors Section (PRODS) of AAPath is pleased to announce a new opportunity to further residents’ and fellows’ participation and success in scholarship, while raising awareness among programs to the many ways that quality improvement and patient safety (QIPS) values are being learned and applied. All accepted abstracts will be published in Academic Pathology. Selected abstracts will be presented in a virtual forum that will be held on April 14, 2025 at 6:00p Eastern. The virtual forum will be free and open to all program directors, residents and fellows. This is an outstanding opportunity for residents and fellows to build their scholarship portfolios and showcase their work in QIPS to other trainees and programs.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 11:59 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday, December 31, 2024.

INSTRUCTIONAL WEBINARS: Two educational sessions for potential abstract submitters will be held virtually on Wednesday, September 11th @ 12:00p Eastern and Wednesday, September 25th @ 3:00p Eastern to address questions about the submission process and acceptance criteria. Program Directors are encouraged to attend with their trainees who are considering submission.

About the Call for Abstracts: There is no limit on the number of abstracts per submitter. The first author must be a resident or fellow at the time of abstract submission. Abstracts should be written with the intent of improving patient safety and/or quality in the clinical environment. The Abstract Review Committee will review submissions and select abstracts via the criteria listed below.

Abstract Submission Criteria 

  • Abstract content submitted to the AAPath QIPS Scholarship Forum must not have been previously presented, submitted or accepted in publications that do not hold a Creative Commons license. Publication of an abstract in Academic Pathology does not preclude publication in another journal, consistent with CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
  • The abstract must be related to Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, evaluated rigorously with scientific methods, and should not contain previously published or commonly known information.
  • Abstract titles must be clear, concise, and accurately reflect content.
  • Abstract structure must clearly summarize the presentation:
    • Objectives: Clear statement of the challenge / problem / hypothesis
    • Methods: Sound and coherent details of how the study was performed
    • Results: Analysis of the data
    • Conclusions: Summary of the data's implications on the challenge / problem / hypothesis
    • References: Resources or other literature used to formulate the hypothesis and study
  • Institutions and personal or institutional identifiers must not be referenced in the abstract. 
  • All financial relationships in the past 24 months must be disclosed at the time of abstract submission and must not introduce bias in the study design. AAPath may query authors to resolve conflicts of interest, which must be mitigated by the authors prior to the abstract being accepted for publication or presentation.
  • The content must be free of grammatical and spelling errors.

 Abstract Submission Instructions 

  • Abstracts must be submitted online using the submission portal (see link below). Emailed abstracts will not be accepted.

  • Abstract content must be related to Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS) and not a specific proprietary business or financial interest.
  • Abstract text must not exceed 400 words, excluding references (if applicable).

  • By submitting an abstract, you agree to present your abstract at the virtual forum, if selected for presentation.

  • Please review your submission thoroughly before submission to avoid typographical errors. Corrections will not be permitted after submission.

  • Late submissions will not be accepted.

Abstract Evaluation Criteria

  • Abstracts will be reviewed and selected for presentation and publication based on the following criteria:

    • Adherence to instructions and completeness

    • Degree of impact (department < institution < region)

    • Applicability to clinical practice and other institutions

    • Novelty

    • Quality of outcome measures, including direct patient safety impact (error reduction, reduction in turn-around-time, etc.), reduction in workload, increased efficiency, decreased cost, etc.

Abstract Selection Process

  • The Abstract Review Committee will review all submissions using the above criteria and select abstracts for both publication and presentation.  Up to six (6) abstracts will be chosen for presentation.  Ten (10) minutes will be allotted for presentations, with additional time allotted for follow-up audience questions or comments. Detailed presentation instructions will be included in the notification email if your abstract is selected for presentation. 


Please note that all articles prepared by trainees are eligible for Society of ’67 Open Access Awards, which cover the cost of publishing in Academic Pathology. Training on how to develop a manuscript based on a QIPS Scholarship Forum abstract will be provided in a virtual consultation session with Editor-in-Chief James Crawford, MD, PhD. All accepted abstract authors will be invited to the consultation session in February 2025 to learn more about expanding their abstracts into articles.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 11:59 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday, December 31, 2024.

NOTIFICATION PROCESS: Applicants will be notified by February 14, 2025 via email of acceptance as an abstract, acceptance as a presentation, or rejection for failure to meet criteria. The AAPath Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Scholarship Forum will be held virtually on Monday, April 14, 2025 at 6:00p Eastern to an audience of pathology program directors, fellows, residents and medical students. Please hold this time on your calendar pending notification of presentation selection.



QUESTIONS? Contact [email protected].

ACGME PDPQ Pathology Core Team Leaders:
John Childs, Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine
Priscilla Markwood, Association for Academic Pathology

Abstract Review Committee:
Vinita Parkash, Yale School of Medicine
Zachary Hoffer, Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine
Von Samedi, University of Colorado School of Medicine
Shih-Hon Li, University of Michigan Medical School
David Manthei, University of Michigan Medical School
Kristie White, University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine