AAPath Research Academy
The AAPath Research Committee is developing a NEW Research Academy as a comprehensive professional development opportunity for Clinical Faculty who may have research interests within Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Departments.
The program will include topics such as:
- Negotiating and managing time and funding for clinical research
- How to identify a robust research project and finding a mentor
- How to get involved in team science and how to work across departments
- How to access and utilize biospecimens
- Artificial intelligence and emerging research opportunities for pathologists
- Using ChatGPT and image tools in a compliant manner
- Multi-OMICs and histology in high-throughput research
- Non-traditional clinical research tracks: biorepository research, clinical education research, quality research
- How to respond to a reviewer's critique and how to handle a grant rejection
- How to get onto a study section and how to do a grant review
- Other topics may also be considered!
Learning Experience
Starting in October 2024, on-demand access to sets of recorded presentations will be available to registrants. The first Q&A virtual session was recorded on October 31st and is available for reviewing. The second session is scheduled for Thursday, December 2nd at 2:00pm-3:00pm (ET). Enrollees will receive the calendar appointment with Zoom information. Subsequent recorded presentations will be made available in sets prior to the next Q&A live virtual sessions, which are tentatively scheduled in February (2025), and April/May (2025).
Faculty who are in an AAPath Member Department with the Department Chair's approval are eligible to enroll. As a pilot program and departmental member benefit, we ask registrants to commit to the following:
- Review the assigned on-demand recordings within the month prior to a scheduled Q&A virtual discussion session.
- Attend and participate in each of the four Q&A virtual discussion sessions that will be scheduled in advance.
- Complete program evaluations and provide feedback of learning experience in this pilot Research Academy.
Registration remains open. Enrollees are encouraged to access and listen to the recordings they may have missed or need to review in advance of the live Q&A virtual sessions. Registrants will receive the calendar appointment with the Zoom information to join the session. The following questions will be asked in the registration form for those faculty interested in enrolling:
- General statement on interest in participating
- Percentage of clinical and research effort
- Research interests and funding sources, if any
- Uploading a current CV
- Commitment to the program
- A self-attestation that the Department Chair of the AAPath member Department has given approval for registrant's participation
Questions? Contact the AAPath Executive Office at [email protected].
For registrants only, content will be posted here (login required).