In This Issue...
Fall Educational Programming and more!
Academic Pathology
Academic Pathology is APC's fully open-access, PMC-indexed, peer-reviewed journal.

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Membership Updates
Please inform us of any changes in your departmental membership roster by sending us a message at [email protected].
Member Resources
Members may log in to the APC website to edit their personal profiles and contact information. Once logged in, members can access exclusive APC resources.
Access your member profile!
Listserv Networks
Archives: To view the archive of listserv messages, log in to your member profile and access the E-lists under My Features.
Guidelines: When sending messages to the listserv, please be sure to include a short signature line with at least your name, role, and institution. Not everyone recognizes your name!
Review other policies on listserv usage at:
Important Updates from the APC:
- Fall 2020 Online Education Programming
- APC 2020 Live Online Conference News
- Membership Dues Renewals
- Call for Abstracts for APC 2021 Annual Meeting
- Society of ’67 Trainee Project Grants Application Period
Fall 2020 Line-Up of APC Online Education
- Effective and Ethical Screening of Residency Applicants
Tuesday, September 1 1pm ET / 12pm CT / 11am MT / 10 am PT This 90-minute virtual Discussion Group is co-moderated by Robert Hoffman, MD, PhD (Vanderbilt University Medical Center), and Charles Timmons, MD, PhD (University of Texas Southwestern/Texas Children’s Hospital). Open to all APC/Section members, especially PRODS and GMEAS. There’s still time to register for the Zoom Meeting by clicking here.
- Continuing the Discussion of Developing Diverse Leadership
Wednesday, September 16 3pm ET / 2pm CT / 1pm MT / 12pm PT This 2-hour session will continue and enhance the discussion on diversity and leadership development in pathology departments from the APC 2020 Leadership Development & Diversity Session moderated by Committee Chair, Dani Zander, MD, and featuring Vivian Pinn, MD (Senior Scientist Emerita at the NIH, Fogarty International Center, and former Chair, Department of Pathology, Howard University College of Medicine), with Jiaoti Huang, MD, PhD (Duke University), Jennifer Hunt, MD (University of Florida), Cheryl Hanau, MD (Drexel University) and Amyn Rojiani, MD (Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University). Pre-requisite viewing on Dr. Pinn’s recorded presentation and the panel discussion is essential to pick-up the conversation when you join the discussion session! Open to all APC/Section members. Register today at this Zoom Meeting registration link.
- In development: Funds Flow for Clinical Pathology and Protecting Education and Research Programs
- Industry Update Webinar Schedule Coming in October!
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APC 2020 Live Online Conference News
Recorded Live Panel Discussions are available! Due to the popular demand from meeting attendees, the engaging and thought-provoking Live Panel Discussions with speakers and moderators are now accessible to all meeting registrants. Additionally, for those who did not register, the full APC 2020 Live Online Conference including these recorded discussions continues to be available by registering at: For complete program details, click here.
For those seeking only CME credit, the APC 2020 Online Learning Program offers a subset of recorded presentations from the Live Online Conference that are CME eligible (up to 23.75 hours!). This CME program is available for the next year, through July 5, 2021, so encourage your colleagues to enroll and access the material by registering at: All APC 2020 Live Online Conference registrants who also enroll in CME will have access to APC 2020 Online Learning Program.
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MEMBERSHIP DUES RENEWAL - Underway! New this year: ICPI Pathology Residency Directory Ads: APC is now co-managing ICPI with ASIP. For departments participating in the ICPI Directory, you will be invoiced by APC shortly. For more information or questions, contact [email protected].
Departmental Memberships: Renewal invoices were sent to the email address listed for your organization. To ensure invoice delivery, Chairs and “Key Contacts” should log in to their member profile and update their organization email. To do so, visit and select "Member Login." Once you are logged in, hover over the “Home” tab, and select “View My Profile.” Next, hover over the gray tab that says “My Profile” and select “Your Organization.” To update the listed email address, select “Edit” and then input the email address which should receive the invoice.
Individual (Special) Memberships: Your renewal invoice will be sent to the email address you have listed on your member profile as the “primary” email address. To update your information, log in to your member profile at and then hover over the “Home” tab and select “View My Profile”. Click “Edit” on the right side of the screen to update your contact information.
If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact the APC Office at [email protected] or 302-660-4942. We are happy to help!
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APC members, their faculty, staff, trainees, and other stakeholders are invited to submit abstracts for poster presentation. Abstracts should describe innovations (technology, programs, projects, etc.) or multi-disciplinary collaborations that advance research, education, practice, administration or diversity in an academic environment. To prepare in advance, review APC 2020 abstracts published in Academic Pathology.
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SOCIETY OF ’67 - Pathology Trainee Project Grants in Health Services Research and Education Program
Share with your trainees who may have a research or education project to receive up to $5,000 in grant funding. More details and the new online Letter of Intent application will be posted by Friday, September 4th at: Deadline: Thursday, October 1st.
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