In This Issue...
Last Chance for 2024 Early Bird Registration, Apply for Society of ’67 Award Programs, Learn More About APC Advocacy Updates and More!
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Member Directory
Only members in good standing have access to APC member resources, including the exclusive online member directory. APC's member list is always live and searchable. Click here to search the directory today!
Member Profile
Each APC Member has a profile that allows you to post information and even upload a photo to let others know who you are and what you do! Your member profile is searchable in the APC Member Directory. Update your information today by logging in to the APC website at!
Membership Updates
New Members should complete a New Member Inquiry Form found at:
Need to remove a member from your roster? Please submit a Member Removal Request.
Please contact the APC office at [email protected] if you have any questions about APC Membership.
Student and Trainee Opportunities
APC is pleased to offer the following FREE resources and opportunities for students and trainees:
…and More!
Visit the APC website to learn more!
Professional Resources
APC is pleased to offer professional resources for members and interested faculty/staff. Click the links below to learn more about the spotlighted professional resources and visit the APC website to learn more about what APC has to offer!
…and More!
Visit the APC website to learn more!
Academic Pathology
Academic Pathology is APC's fully open-access, PubMed-indexed, peer-reviewed journal published by Elsevier available on Science Direct and Clinical Key. Submit a manuscript and gain international recognition for your advances in pathology education, administration or practice.
Click here to view the latest issue of Academic Pathology and subscribe to receive alerts when the latest issues are published!

Follow Us
Get Involved - Join a Committee and Appoint Faculty to Affinity Groups
Committees Active Chair discussion on issues of common interest occurs primarily through APC's committee activities. All Chairs are invited to participate in any of APC's committees (listed below). If you are a Chair who is interested in joining one of the committees listed below, please submit your written request to the APC office at [email protected]
Affinity Groups APC Committees have established affinity groups to address important needs relevant to academic pathology departments. Chairs can appoint faculty leaders to join the groups listed below. More information and appointment processes can be found by clicking the links below.
APC's 2023 Advocacy Priorities
In cooperation with APC’s Advocacy Committee, which consists of representatives from the Graduate Medical Education, Practice & Management, Research, and Undergraduate Medical Education Committees, APC Council issued their 2023 Advocacy Priorities.
To learn more about APC’s advocacy efforts and collaborations to address the most pressing needs of academic pathology, visit:
Free Virtual Events for Members
Learn more about upcoming events and access past event recordings by visiting the APC website at:
Job Postings
Do you have a job opening at your institution? Members can share openings with their section listserv network for free as a member benefit. Job openings can also be posted directly to APC’s Career Center (Job Board), which has broad national visibility.
Post or Search for Jobs at:
Listserv Networks
Guidelines: Members are expected to abide by the APC listserv policies. For more information on APC’s listservs, visit the APC website at:
Best Practice: When sending messages to the listserv, please be sure to include a short signature line with at least your name, role, institution, and email address so that other members can reach you directly if needed.
Archives: To view the archive of listserv messages, log in to your member profile and access the E-lists under My Features.
Paths to Progress: Annual Report

The 2022 Edition of the APC Annual Report, Paths to Progress is now available!
Reflect on APC’s accomplishments in 2022 through committee reports, section updates, and other workgroup/task force reports in the latest edition of the annual report – Paths to Progress.
Find the 2022 Edition and previous issues of Paths to Progress on APC's website at:
Monthly e-News Archive
Find all previous issues of APC's Monthly e-News at:
Important Updates from the APC

The 57th APC Annual Meeting will be held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC, July 21-24, 2024. Join your colleagues at this once-yearly, highly anticipated opportunity to network with leaders in academic pathology. Arrive in time to reunite at the Welcome Reception on Sunday, July 21st and then immerse yourself in educational topics over three days of programming – Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday – capped off by the awards lunch. For those unable to attend in-person, a robust online experience broadcast via Zoom will be available for remote attendees. As a reminder, the APC Annual Meeting is not only for Chairs and its Section Members, but open to ALL faculty and staff who are interested in advancing the missions of academic pathology.
Program Information – Preliminary Program Now Available! APC Section Councils and Committees are hard at work developing exceptional and timely educational content for the APC 2024 Annual Meeting. Preliminary program details are now posted on the APC website at:
Hotel and Travel Information APC is pleased to offer hotel accommodations at a discounted rate if you reserve your room at the Omni Shoreham Hotel through APC’s unique reservation link. For more information and reservation details, visit the APC website at:
Pricing and Registration Through today, January 31, 2024, APC is pleased to offer the same registration rates as in 2023! Learn more about pricing and registration details, including the APC Health and Safety Policy and Cancellation Policy at:
Click here to register today at the lowest rates!
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APC PATHOLOGY LEADERSHIP FELLOWS (APLF) PROGRAM Application Period Open Now through March 15, 2024
The Association of Pathology Chairs’ Leadership Development & Diversity Committee is pleased to welcome applicants for the 2024-2025 Class of APC Pathology Leadership Fellows. The APLF program is suitable for mid-to-senior level faculty (assistant, preferably associate, professor level faculty) pursuing vice chair, director, chief or chair roles. This program will admit a limited number of participants, so the application process is expected to be competitive. No more than two participants will be selected from any one APC member department in good standing (current dues paid). The APLF Class of 2024-2025 will be selected from applications received by March 15, 2024. Application information and additional program details are posted on the APC website at:
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SOCIETY OF '67 PROGRAMS Application Period Now Open for Select Programs
Programs of the Society of ‘67 foster the development of academic pathology and future leaders in academic practice, education, and research, and are made possible by generous contributions to the APC Society of ’67, named for APC’s founding year – 1967. Society of ’67 donations fund programs such as the Kinney Scholars, APEX Fellows, Trainee Project Grants in Healthcare Innovation, and Open Access Awards. Consider making a donation today to invest in the future and legacy of academic pathology to advance and improve health care!
The following programs have just opened their application period:
2024 Society of ’67 Kinney Scholars Application Deadline: Friday, March 1, 2024, at 5:00 pm (Eastern)
This program provides an opportunity for medical students and/or pathology residents to familiarize themselves with careers in pathology and the critical role of pathology in healthcare delivery, research, and education through access to national leaders in academic pathology by attending the APC Annual Meeting. Please encourage promising trainees (pathology residents and medical students), who demonstrate the potential for leadership in academic pathology, to apply to become a Kinney Scholar by March 1st. Program details and application information are posted on the APC website at:
2024 Society of ’67 APEX Fellowship Application Deadline: Friday, March 1, 2024, at 5:00pm (Eastern)
This program is for emerging pathology department administrators, who seek to gain insight and mentoring from the community of APEX members by attending the APEX Program at the APC Annual Meeting. Eligible applicants are current Affiliate APEX members; membership eligibility and instructions on how to join are posted on the APC website at: For complete APEX Fellow Program application information, go to:
Announcing 2024 Trainee Project Grant Awardees
The Society of ’67 Pathology Trainee Project Grants in Health Services Research and Education fund innovative projects that are relevant to health services research or education, including but not limited to healthcare quality, costs, and/or access related to pathology services. Congratulations to the following awardees for projects in 2024!

Society of ’67 Open Access Award Program
The Society of ’67 Open Access Award Program seeks to promote the publication of high-quality original scholarship in a peer-reviewed journal by authors at an early stage of academic development. Award recipients will have the article processing fee paid for by the Society of ’67. The first or corresponding author (qualifying author) must be a medical student, pathology resident or fellow, or junior faculty. Submit an application to determine if you qualify for the Society of '67 Open Access Award. Find more program information and application instructions at:
Donate to the Society of ’67 to support these programs.
For additional information, contact the Society of ’67 Program Office at [email protected] or 302.660.4944.
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TRAINEE OPPORTUNITIES IN PATHOLOGY Call to Refresh Information on Your Programs!
APC is pleased to offer FREE resources and opportunities for students and trainees! These resources rely on member updates and postings for the latest opportunities for students. In 2023, APC launched two new resources to promote Residency or Fellowship Open Houses, in addition to Post Sophomore Fellowship opportunities for medical students. Residency, fellowship, and PSF program directors can now post information about their open houses and other opportunities in a primary location on APC’s website. The listings are intended to be a central resource for medical students and residents to locate information about those events, in the same places where they can find other important trainee opportunities and resources, such as clerkships and unexpected fellowship openings. To add a pathology residency or fellowship open house listing, unexpected fellowship openings, PSTP program listings, PSF programs, and other student educational opportunities, go to the appropriate link below and complete the relevant form.
Student Educational Opportunities:
Residency Open House Resource List:
Fellowship Open Houses Resource List:
Unexpected Fellowship Openings:
PSTP Program Listings:
Other FREE Student and Trainee Resources
…and More!
Visit the APC website to learn more!
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From the desk of APC’s Deputy Director, Lydia P. Howell, MD, [email protected]
Advocacy means ensuring that the voice of academic pathology is heard and influential when big issues are discussed and decisions are made outside our organization. Our voice is unique since we shape the future of our specialty through education and research, and we are the first to apply new knowledge to care for patients.
Each year, the Advocacy Committee updates their priorities to ensure that our activities are relevant and directed toward the most important issues. The full list of advocacy priorities for 2024 can be found on the APC website; highlights include:
Practice & Management
- Advocate for appropriate regulation of laboratory developed tests (LDTs) to ensure high quality care for patients.
- Work with other organizations to address laboratory workforce challenges.
- Support reimbursement of pathology services to align with academic missions.
- Engage and inform policymakers on the value of academic labs in frontline care and rapid response.
- Partner with pathology research organizations to increase federal funding for research.
- Increase and diversify the pipeline of physician-scientists in collaboration with other organizations.
Undergraduate Medical Education
- Advocate through LCME co-secretariats and AOA to integrate pathology and laboratory medicine across all four years of medical curriculum to reinforce foundational concepts in clinical practice.
- Educate and mentor diverse medical students about careers in pathology to develop the pathologist workforce.
- Increase pathology’s representation on national and institutional curriculum development committees.
Graduate Medical Education
- Support accurate data collection by other organizations, including the demographics of practicing pathologists.
- Support efforts to increase the number of pathology residency positions commensurate with legislated increases in CMS-funded positions.
- Advance efforts to optimize the fellowship recruitment process in collaboration with other organizations.
- Advocate for clear immigration policies that enable foreign nationals to seek and complete U.S. residency training and fill U.S. faculty/staff positions.
- Support safe and effective uses of artificial intelligence and machine learning in education, research and practice.
Collaboration with other organizations around shared goals is a recurrent tactic in our advocacy strategy. Unity makes all of our efforts more effective and impactful. We are fortunate to have strong partners on all of our advocacy priorities, including the Association of American Medical Colleges, American Society for Clinical Pathology, Association for Molecular Pathology, Association for Diagnostic and Laboratory Medicine, College of American Pathologists, and others. We hope to develop new partnerships and expand current relationships.
Hot topics that you should expect to hear more about as the next few months unfold include:
- LDT regulation: Anticipating the FDA will issue their final rule on regulating LDTs as medical devices, the APC is engaging in “scenario planning”, i.e., creating action plans around several likely outcomes, so that we are ready to initiate appropriate activities that support the academic pathology community after the FDA decision is announced. The APC continues to work closely with others to inform the scenario plans, including advocating for long-overdue updates to CLIA.
- Benchmarking and Vizient: APC is excited to grow their relationship with Vizient. In an upcoming meeting, we hope to learn how data is collected and used to create the benchmarks utilized by many academic health systems.
More integration of APC members into strategic efforts of other organizations that align with our goals: Effective advocacy is related to access and influence – this can be best accomplished by growing and leveraging our strategic relationships with others. As an example, the Association of American Medical Colleges has many opportunities for faculty members – including those from academic societies like APC – to get involved with their committees and workgroups. Check out their website and let us know if you are interested in representing APC in any of these activities ( And please share with us any additional opportunities with other organizations that we may not know about so that we can grow our connections and influence!
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Academic Pathology is APC's fully open-access, PubMed-indexed, peer-reviewed journal and part of the world-class collection of journals and pathology resources published by Elsevier, with visibility to a global audience of academic leaders through Science Direct and Clinical Key. Academic Pathology reached another major milestone by receiving its first journal impact factor – one more reason to submit your manuscript to APC’s official journal!
Recently Published Articles
Establishing priorities for implementation of large language models in pathology and laboratory medicine, S. Arvisais-Anhalt et al. Review Article First Published January 11, 2024:
Pathology teaching in different undergraduate medical curricula within and outside the United States: a pilot study, K. Carnevale et al. Research Article First Published December 27, 2023:
ChatGPT 3.5 fails to write appropriate multiple choice practice exam questions, A. Ngo et al. Research Article First Published December 19, 2023:
Click here to view the latest issue of Academic Pathology and subscribe to receive alerts when the latest issues are published!
Educational Cases
Academic Pathology now has over 150 Educational Cases published in association with the Pathology Competencies for Medical Education (PCME), which are organized as collections in three competency areas – disease mechanisms and processes, organ system pathology, and diagnostic medicine and therapeutic pathology. The PCME were created by pathology chairs and course directors to serve as a national standard identifying the core content for teaching pathology in these basic competencies. Each competency includes learning goals and objectives to assess the acquisition, integration and application of knowledge to demonstrate the development of competency. Click here to learn more about how to prepare an Educational Case and see an index of cases that are ready to use in medical education.
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APC seeks to highlight major member accomplishments in this Member Recognition section of the e-News, where we spotlight special announcements, such as advancement to national leadership positions, inductions into national academies, national and international awards, national press coverage, Chair retirements, new Chair appointments, and more! If you have an announcement that you would like to share, please contact the APC office at [email protected] to let us know!
Northwell Health Chair Changes Alain Borczuk, MD, assumes the role of Chair of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, effective January 1, 2024, following James Crawford, MD, PhD, who continues his service to the APC as a member of the Senior Fellows Group and Editor in Chief of Academic Pathology.

Alain Borczuk, MD

James Crawford, MD, PhD
University of Florida College of Medicine Chair Changes Jesse Kresak, MD, assumes the role of Interim Chair of Pathology, Immunology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Florida, effective January 1, 2024, following the appointment of Jennifer Hunt, MD, as the Interim Dean of the College of Medicine.

Jesse Kresak, MD

Jennifer Hunt, MD
Publication by Roger Mitchell, MD, Recognized as Top 2023 Public Health Book Pick A book by Roger Mitchell, MD, former Chair of the Department of Pathology at Howard University College of Medicine, entitled Death in Custody: How America Ignores the Truth and What We Can Do about It is recognized by Harvard Public Health staff as a top public health book of 2023:

Roger Mitchell, MD
SFG Members Publish a Chair Handbook David Bailey, MD, current SFG Executive Committee Chair, and Fred Sanfilippo, MD, PhD, current SFG Executive Committee Past Chair, author a book with Claire Pomeroy entitled Lead, Inspire, Thrive: A Handbook for Medical School Department Chairs (and Other Leaders):

David Bailey, MD

Fred Sanfilippo, MD, PhD
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GMEAS Mid-Year Meeting – TOMORROW! Thursday, February 1, 2024 | Duration: 1.5 hours 1:00pm ET / 12:00pm CT / 11:00am MT / 10:00am PT GMEAS Council will be hosting a mid-year meeting for GMEAS members that covers relevant and timely topics and will include breakout rooms for personalized educational discussion opportunities. Register today for this free member event. Event Registration: Click Here To Register!
PRODS Spring Virtual Meeting – Register Today! Wednesday, April 3, 2024 | Duration: 2.5 hours 2:30pm ET / 1:30pm CT / 12:30pm MT / 11:30am PT PRODS & GMEAS members are encouraged to attend this free member event organized by PRODS Council. Representatives from the ACGME and the ABPath will present relevant and timely topics to membership. Event Registration: Click Here to Register!
Learn more about upcoming events and access past event recordings by visiting the APC website at:
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