Surgical Pathology and Surgical Pathology Subspecialties Fellowship Recruitment

For the 2026-2027 recruiting season, surgical pathology subspecialties are currently exploring the potential for a match under the National Resident Matching Program. The match would take place approximately April 30, 2025. To participate, each subspecialty must have participation from at least 75% of active programs and 75% of active positions. 

Programs may find the following resources useful in considering their participation:

Click Here To Access Match FAQs

Match Related Webinars:

Title: Pathology Fellowship Recruitment Town Hall
Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2024

PDF of presentation used during virtual event

Title: NRMP Pathology Fellowship Match Information Meeting  
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Event Recording: Click To View Event Recording & Click To View Event Chat
PDF of presentation used during virtual event

Title: SurgPath Unified Timeline Town Hall 
Date: Thursday, January 11, 2024
Event Recording: 
Click To View Event Recording & Click To View Event Chat 


2026-2027 Recruiting Season Subspecialty Status:

Subspecialty Match Common Timeline
BST Yes ------------------------
GI Insufficient Support Insufficient support
Gyn plus breast Insufficient Support Insufficient support
Gyn only Considering Insufficient support
Breast only Insufficient support Insufficient support
General surgical path Insufficient support Insufficient support
GU Insufficient support Insufficient support
Renal Insufficient support Insufficient support
ENT Insufficient support Insufficient support
Thoracic Insufficient support Insufficient support

Open Positions For 2025-2026

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Open Positions for 2024-2025:


Title: Pathology Fellowship Recruitment Town Hall
Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Title: NRMP Pathology Fellowship Match Information Meeting  
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Event Recording: Click To View Event Recording & Click To View Event Chat
PDF of presentation used during virtual event

Title: SurgPath Unified Timeline Town Hall 

Date: Thursday, January 11, 2024
Event Recording: 
Click To View Event Recording & Click To View Event Chat 

Title: Information Session For Pathology Fellowship Applicants 
Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Title: Information Session For Pathology Fellowship Applicants
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Event Recording: Click To View Event Recording & Click To View Event Chat

Title: SurgPath Unified Timeline Town Hall 
Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Event Recording: Click To View Event Recording & Click To View Event Chat 

Title: Information for applicants webinar
Title: Information for program directors webinar
Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Event Recording: Click To View Event Recording & Click To View Event Chat  

Title: Efforts to Improve the Fellowship Application Process for Programs and Applicants: Is now the time to implement a common application timeline? Leaders in dermatopathology and cytopathology met to discuss the benefits and issues of a common timeline, alternative options pursued by other pathology subspecialties, and the recent Association of Pathology Chairs resolution supporting a common timeline for fellowship applications.
Date: Monday, April 4, 2022

Additional resources: 

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