In This Issue...
Register for APC 2022, and read about APC’s EVP, Lab Week 2022, Election Outcomes, Society of ’67 Awardees and More
Follow @apcprods on Twitter
Academic Pathology
Academic Pathology is APC's fully open-access, PubMed-indexed, peer-reviewed journal. Academic Pathology has moved from Sage to Elsevier and a new manuscript submission site has officially launched. Submit a manuscript and gain international recognition for your advances in pathology education, administration or practice.
Click here to submit your manuscript today!

Follow @AcadPathol on Twitter
Upgrade Your Donor Level
All donors are recognized at the recently updated levels as a contributor (less than $500), annual member ($500-$9,999), or lifetime member ($10,000 or more). DONATE NOW at any level to cultivate and inspire the pipeline of academic pathology!
Every contribution invests in the future and legacy of academic pathology to advance and improve health care by fostering the development of academic pathology and future leaders in academic practice, education, and research.
ICPI Residency Directory
Want to add programs or events, or rejoin the ICPI Residency Directory? Contact [email protected] or click here to submit program details, events, or listing updates.
NEW THIS YEAR – Free Program Advertising
Departments with ICPI Residency Directory listings may add other training programs (except fellowship programs) at NO additional charge, as long as they are based in the same department. Post-sophomore fellowships, MSTP programs, PSTP programs, PhD programs, and med tech, histotech, and cytotech training programs are all now included in the ONE price of a Residency Program listing! Plus, add Residency Program Open Houses to ICPI event listings!
Check out the *NEW* ICPI website which continues to evolve and improve as a resource to students and residents.
Visit today!
Virtual Events
View Past Recordings A reminder that all past recorded APC Virtual Events can be easily found on the APC website. These past recordings include interesting Town Hall discussions, informative Regional Meetings, and much more! The recordings can be viewed on our Past Virtual Events webpage.
Job Postings
Do you have a job opening at your institution? Members can share openings with their section listserv network for free as a member benefit. Job openings can also be posted directly to APC’s Career Center (Job Board), which has broad national visibility.
Post or Search for jobs at:
Listserv Networks
Guidelines: Members are expected to abide by the APC listserv policies. For more information on APC’s listservs, visit the APC website at:
Best Practice: When sending messages to the listserv, please be sure to include a short signature line with at least your name, role, institution, and email address so that other members can reach you directly if needed.
Archives: To view the archive of listserv messages, log in to your member profile and access the E-lists under My Features.
Membership Updates
New Members should complete our short online New Member Inquiry Form found at:
Please inform us of any changes in your departmental membership roster by sending us a message at [email protected].
Member Profile
Members may log in to the APC website to edit their personal profiles and contact information. Once logged in, members can access exclusive APC resources.
Get Involved - Join a Committee!
Active Chair discussion on issues of common interest occurs primarily through APC's committee activities. All Chairs are invited to participate in any of APC's Committees:
NEW Committees
- Clinical Service Leaders
- PhD Program Leaders
If you are a Chair who is interested in joining one of the above committees, please submit your written request to the APC office at [email protected].
APC 2021 On-Demand Recordings
Couldn’t Attend REAL APC 2021? Meeting content is still available through APC’s 2021 Online Learning Program! Register today and get instant access to ALL meeting content including Pre-Recorded Presentations and Live Discussion Sessions. APC's 2021 Online Learning Program offers a robust amount of educational content to meet your continuing education and professional development needs! Click here for more information on registration and pricing, which includes CME for physicians who claim by next July 7, 2022.
Paths to Progress: APC Newsletter

Reflect on a unique and challenging year by reading the 2020 Edition of the APC Annual Newsletter, Paths to Progress. Stay up to date with committee reports, Section updates, and other workgroup/task force reports in the latest edition of Paths to Progress.
Find the 2020 Edition and previous issues of Paths to Progress on APC's website at:
Monthly e-News Archive
Find all previous issues of APC's Monthly e-News at:
Important Updates from the APC:
REGISTRATION NOW OPEN - APC 2022 ANNUAL MEETING Chicago, IL (Hybrid) | July 17-20, 2022

APC and its Section Councils are excited to announce that registration is open for the 2022 APC Annual Meeting at the beautiful Swissôtel in Chicago, Illinois from July 17-20, 2022 (Sun-Wed). Attendees will have the option to register for IN-PERSON or REMOTE participation. In-person attendees will enjoy more networking time for long-overdue hallway conversations and live sessions devoted to discussion. Remote attendees will access by Zoom a live view of panelists and participate in discussion via chat facilitated by an in-room moderator. ALL will have access to pre-recorded presentations, in advance of the live discussion sessions, to increase the opportunity for engagement during the meeting.
Each in-person registrant also receives ONE ticket to APC’s Awards Dinner on Tuesday evening for the live presentation of service awards. Remote registrants will receive an attendee engagement box of goodies for fun and refreshment. As in 2021, CME is included in registration for both in-person and remote attendees.
APC Council and the PRODS, UMEDS, PDAS and GMEAS Councils have again prepared excellent programs with timely topics and leading presenters. For the latest program details, go to Information is now available on the website to register, to reserve a hotel room, or to exhibit.
Preview the APC 2022 session topics that include:
- Maintaining Morale During Stressful Times
- Building Successful Partnerships and Business Ventures
- Succession Planning for Transitioning
- Holistic Recruitment for Residency Programs
- Supporting Our Medical Educators, with guest speaker Sanjay Desai, MD, Chief Academic Officer and Group Vice President of Medical Education at the American Medical Association
- Training Pathologist-Scientists: Strategies to Maximize Success
- Revising the Pathology Residency Curriculum
- Reviewing Race in Medical Education, the C. Bruce Alexander Lecture, Andrea Deyrup, MD, PhD, Duke University, plus a DEI Workshop on Addressing Race-Based Medicine
- New Pathology Clinical Consultation Codes and Their Applications to Academic Practice
- Compensation Plans, Equity Pay, and Financial Models for Faculty
- Workforce Issues and the Changing Landscape for Academic Labs
- Transgender Medicine and the Inclusive and Affirmative Management of LGBTQ Patients, with Patricia Thomas Lecturer Ina Amarillo, PhD, Washington University in St. Louis
We hope you will join us for the 2022 APC Annual Meeting!
Want to Exhibit or Partner with APC? APC is excited to welcome back LIVE exhibits to the 2022 APC Annual Meeting! See the Exhibitor Prospectus for details of pricing and benefits. Applications accepted until May 31, 2022 or until sold out!
Stay tuned and keep an eye out for announcements on the APC 2022 Annual Meeting website at:
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The Association of Pathology Chairs (APC) has created the new position of Executive Vice President (EVP) to enhance the activities of the central office. The EVP will work closely and collaboratively with the Executive Director (ED) and APC Council to provide thought leadership that will contribute to the development of vision and strategy, ensure cross-communication, and enhance success for external funding. As an ex officio, non-voting member of the APC Council, the EVP will serve as the primary representative of the APC to the general public to articulate the value and advance the visibility of academic pathology, in addition to performing other duties on behalf of the APC as directed by the Council. Externally, the EVP will represent APC to government agencies, professional societies, industry and other external funders to advocate for academic pathology.
This is a part-time role, envisioned as a prestigious, nationally-recognized leadership position. A physician and/or scientist with leadership experience in academic pathology is desired. Retired individuals seeking part-time employment will be considered, as well as employed individuals who can accommodate this role as a contractual buy-out of time or as supplementary work. Please see the position description for more details about the duties and qualifications.
Please share this announcement with qualified candidates, nominate others or apply yourself. Applicants should send a letter of interest and CV to [email protected] by Monday, May 16, 2022. For additional information, please contact me or Priscilla at [email protected] or 302-660-4945.
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PATHOLOGY LEADERSHIP ACADEMY Save the Date: July 16-17, 2022
The Pathology Leadership Academy (PLA) is designed to build and strengthen leadership skills and knowledge for current and future leaders in academic pathology. The next PLA will be held in-person on July 16-17, 2022 (immediate preceding APC’s 2022 Annual Meeting) at the Swissôtel in Chicago. The program includes expert speakers on the topics of team building, group dynamics, mediation, and coaching for effectiveness. For program details and registration (coming soon), go to or contact the APC office at 302-660-4940 or [email protected]!
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2022 APC Committee Chair Election Outcomes The APC Nominating Committee, chaired by Past President Barbara Ducatman, MD, recently facilitated elections for three open Committee Chair positions: Practice & Management Chair, Undergraduate Medical Education Committee Chair, and Advocacy Committee Chair. In July, the following candidates will assume their respective roles on Council
Chair, Practice and Management Committee (2022-2025): Chen Liu, MD, PhD, Yale University (second term) Chair, Undergraduate Medical Education Committee (2022-2025): Valerie Fitzhugh, MD, New Jersey Medical School and Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (first term) Chair, Advocacy Committee (2022-2025): Steven Kroft, MD, Medical College of Wisconsin (first term, was serving as interim)
The Nominating Committee is very grateful to Karen Thompson, MD, Xiao-Ming Yin, MD, PhD, and Sarah Dry, MD, for their willingness to serve and for their ongoing contributions to APC!
APC is so fortunate to have diverse, talented and thoughtful volunteer leadership. APC Council encourages all Chair members to consider pathways to Council election by serving on APC committees. For more information about volunteer opportunities, contact [email protected].
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Congratulations to the 2022 Kinney Scholars! The Society of ’67 Thomas D. Kinney Scholars Program provides an opportunity for medical students and/or pathology residents to familiarize themselves with career opportunities in pathology and the critical role of pathology in healthcare delivery, research, and education. Scholars in the program participate in the APC Annual Meeting, where they will gain insight from national leaders in academic pathology. The 2022 cohort is listed below. Meet them at the APC 2022 Annual Meeting!

Congratulations to the 2022 PDAS Fellow! The Society of '67 PDAS Fellows Program provides an opportunity for emerging and new pathology administrators (Associate PDAS Members) to attend the PDAS Program at the Association of Pathology Chairs (APC) 2022 Annual Meeting. PDAS Fellows receive an immersive experience on management of departmental missions, learn about models and strategies in administrative operations for pathology and laboratory medicine stakeholders, and interact with our community of academic pathology administrators bringing a network of professional support and resources. The 2022 recipient, designated as the 2022 Marty Lawlor Society of ’67 PDAS Fellow is listed below. Meet her at the APC 2022 Annual Meeting!

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The Practice & Management Committee of APC wants to learn more about what academic labs are doing to celebrate laboratory professionals and recruit into this valuable workforce. Medical Laboratory Professionals Week 2022 (April 24-30) is your opportunity to Make Some Noise! APC invites all member institutions to use the occasion of Medical Laboratory Professionals Week to tell us stories about your “Lab Week” celebrations and campaigns to raise awareness of careers in the field. The need is like never before to communicate with students in middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities, to make them aware of the important work and career opportunities that await in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. To any community – and in any language (!) – tell us how you are celebrating Medical Professionals Week!
Please submit a brief summary of any or all of your ongoing publicity and recruiting activities, and your “LAB WEEK” 2022 activities, at:! This site will remain open through Tuesday, May 3rd.
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APC is delighted to again offer a Pathology Open House for Medical Students on Tuesday, May 17, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (ET). Last year’s Open House attracted over 300 student registrants! This event is designed for all participants to learn something applicable to their future as a physician, whether they become a pathologist or not. This year’s program is led by an extraordinary faculty of experienced pathology program directors and residents who were Kinney Scholars. Participants will:
- Learn how to prepare for an interview, whether in-person or virtually, and what various program directors prioritize and emphasize during interviews.
- Hear from pathology residents on their experiences in applying and matching to their residency programs.
- Discover what pathology program directors are seeking in their residents and what makes an ideal candidate for a pathology residency program.
- Consider what different characteristics of pathology residency programs might determine where to apply.
Medical students are encouraged to register at:
For more details, visit the Upcoming Virtual Events page:
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APC Continues to Advocate for Solutions to LDT Oversight On April 6th, APC hosted a joint discussion with interested Chairs and their Government Relations Representatives, regarding laboratory-developed test (LDT) regulations proposed in the VALID Act. One recommendation from the group was to draft a brief summary document that would help GRRs have a common approach to explaining the potential impact of VALID on their clinical operations. This supports the rationale that VALID needs considerable work and is not ready for attachment to MDUFA, which would expedite VALID’s passage.
The Advocacy Committee’s Chair (Steven Kroft, MD) and Vice Chair (Karen Kaul, MD, PhD) responded by preparing a brief narrative, followed by three brief examples of clinical applications of LDTs, as well as references in the scientific literature that support these examples. This document, entitled How the VALID Act will impact the practice of medicine primarily in academic health systems, is available for members to use and share with their GRRs in an effort to speak with one voice on common points in conversations with Congress about the impending effects of the bill, as it is currently drafted.
Another recommendation from the April 6th discussion was to start a grass-roots effort to enable faculty and staff at medical schools and academic health systems to contact their members of Congress individually on this issue. The American Association for Clinical Chemistry has kindly offered their grass roots action link for APC to distribute. This issue is a top priority for AACC and they welcome your participation in their grass roots campaign. Whether your faculty/physicians are members of AACC or not, they may go to and click on the first button to complete a form that will submit letters to their members of Congress. Please distribute this link, as appropriate, to concerned faculty, physicians and other stakeholders.
2022 Advocacy Priorities In cooperation with APC’s Advocacy Committee, which consists of representatives from the Graduate Medical Education, Practice & Management, Research, and Undergraduate Medical Education Committees, APC Council recently issued their 2022 Advocacy Priorities.
To learn more about APC’s advocacy efforts and collaborations to address the most pressing needs of academic pathology, visit our website at:
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After 7 great years with SAGE Publishing, in January 2022 Academic Pathology joined the world-class collection of journals and pathology resources published by Elsevier! In this new publishing alliance, your Academic Pathology articles now have increased visibility to a global audience of academic leaders, while keeping the same Open Access benefits, editors, and staff you value. The new submission site is now open! Submit your manuscript today at:
Recently Published Articles
Are you ready to play Pathology Pyramid? An exploration of an alternative method of learning through gaming in pathology resident education, Christopher C. Attaway, MD, MSc, et al. Research Article First Published April 18, 2022:
Implementation of a required 3rd-year medical student surgical pathology clinical experience, Sonya J. Wegman, MD, et al. Research Article First Published March 28, 2022:
View More of the Latest Articles:
The COVID-19 Special Collection and an archive of Academic Pathology articles can still be found at:
Open Access Award Program The Society of ’67 Open Access Award Program seeks to promote the publication of high-quality original scholarship in a peer-reviewed journal by authors at an early stage of academic development. Award recipients will have the article processing fee paid for by the Society of ’67. The first or corresponding author (qualifying author) must be a medical student, pathology resident or fellow, or junior faculty. New Online Application Form -- Submit your application to determine if you and your potential manuscript qualify for the Society of '67 Open Access Award (Click here to preview a PDF of the application), but all responses must be submitted online. Find more program information and application instructions at:
Donate today to support this and other Society of ’67 programs!
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